Purposeful Pedagogy

The focus is on measurable practice improvement, using reflection and assessment to develop competencies in the context of day-to-day work. Follow the three steps and use the associated resources below to develop these protocols for purposeful pedagogy.

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Focus on Practice Improvement

We work in increasingly interconnected and complex contexts in which the old ways of problem-solving and decision-making don’t work. To navigate effectively in this milieu, we must consider the far-reaching effects of actions taken.

Dedicate Time for Reflection

Invite instructors to examine their pedagogy, articulate reasons and strengths for their strategies, and identify areas for improvement using a variety of approaches, including discussions with colleagues, inventories, observations, and self-assessments.

Frame Learning Around an Authentic Problem of Practice

The learner is focused on a particular aspect of their practice. Learning is directly observable, actionable, and connects to a broader improvement strategy.

Embed Practice-Improvement in Work

Work-embedded pedagogy is professional development that occurs in day-to-day work and may also be referred to as job-embedded or on-the-job learning

Resources on Practice Improvement

Build on Evidence

Pedagogical practices should be based on the best available evidence rather than tradition, personal judgment, or other influences. Evidence refers to the sources of knowledge we rely on to determine whether our strategies and approaches are valid and have a good chance of succeeding.

Develop Competency-Based Credentials

Multiple modalities are used for capturing evidence of knowledge and skill application. Assessment is structured, reliable, and validated, and can be for a single competency or a suite of competencies and recognized with certificates, micro-credentials, or forms of validation.

Use Evidence-Informed Methods

Educators compile, analyze, and use objective evidence to inform the design of an academic program, guide the modification of instructional techniques, and develop policy.

Provide Evidence Transparency

Rubrics are used to articulate performance expectations and describing levels of quality. Learning data and analytics are accessible to learners.

Design for Inclusion

Systems are in place that assure the presence, participation, and achievement of all learners within education systems.

Foster Belonging

Learners feel seen, heard, affirmed in their identities, appreciated for their strengths, and supported in their struggles. Every learner is treated as a valuable, integral part of the learning community. Inclusive materials, collaborative protocols, and affirming assignments are used.

Align Process and Context

Learning outcomes, methods, activities, instructional strategies, and assessments are aligned to purpose, context, and learner.

Diversify Options

Students are provided with multiple means of representation, engagement, action and expression.