Introduction to the Sustainable Learning Framework

Education is the foundation upon which we build the future. As our world undergoes rapid transformation due to environmental, social, and technological shifts, the way we learn and teach must also evolve. The Sustainable Learning Framework is a concise yet powerful entry point for educators, policymakers, and learners committed to creating a more adaptive, inclusive, and forward-thinking education system.

What is Sustainable Learning?

Sustainable emphasizes the importance of learning that is relevant to today’s needs and mindful of tomorrow’s challenges. Sustainable Learning prepares individuals to thrive in a complex, interconnected world by fostering critical thinking, ecosystem thinking, collaboration, and creativity. It is about nurturing a mindset that embraces change, values diversity, and strives to balance human development and the integrity of learning ecosystems.

Why a Field Guide for Sustainable Learning?

The Sustainable Learning Framework is designed to provide a foundational understanding of Sustainable Learning and why it is essential in today’s context. It is meant to be a starting point—a primer—for those new to the concept or those looking to deepen their understanding of sustainable practices in education. By highlighting key principles, practical examples, and actionable steps, this primer aims to help rethink traditional approaches to education and move toward a more sustainable model.

Key Principles of Sustainable Learning

Relevance and Real-World Connection

Learning should be directly connected to real-world issues and challenges. By making learning relevant, we engage learners in meaningful ways that drive personal growth and societal impact.

Adaptability and Lifelong Learning

In a rapidly changing world, the ability to adapt and continuously learn is crucial. Sustainable learning encourages flexibility in thinking, openness to new ideas, and a commitment to ongoing personal and professional development.

Equity and Inclusivity 

Sustainable learning advocates for inclusive practices that ensure all learners have access to quality education and opportunities for growth. It promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion as cornerstones of a sustainable education system.

Collaboration and Community Engagement 

Education does not exist in isolation. Sustainable learning emphasizes collaboration—between educators, learners, communities, and global networks—to build knowledge and solve problems collectively.

Ecosystem Thinking and Interdisciplinary Learning

Understanding complex global issues requires a systems-thinking approach integrating multiple disciplines. Sustainable learning promotes a holistic view that connects knowledge across fields, fostering a deeper understanding of the world.

How to Use This Resource

This site is structured to provide a quick yet comprehensive overview of the key concepts and strategies for integrating Sustainable Learning into various educational settings. It includes a complete overview of the Sustainable Learning Framework and a curated Library of Open Education Resources (OER) to help understand and implement it.

Whether you are beginning your journey into Sustainable learning or looking for fresh insights and ideas, this is a valuable resource to inspire change and innovation in education. We can build a future where learning is a tool for personal advancement, organizational growth, and a force for positive change in the world.

Sustainable Learning Framework 2024

The Sustainable Learning Framework provides pathways to meet the complex education challenges of today while embracing new opportunities for creating the education of tomorrow.

Sustainable Learning by Diana D. Woolis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 4.0 International License.

Download the Framework

We’ve distilled the information provided on this site into a helpful resource you can download and keep handy as a reference.