Open Educational Resources for Sustainable Learning

Our world is at a unique juncture in history, characterized by increasingly uncertain and complex trajectories shifting at an unprecedented speed. These sociological, ecological, and technological trends are changing education systems, which need to adapt. Yet education has the most transformational potential to shape just and sustainable futures.

The Education We Need for the Future We Want

This site provides information about evidence-based practices that ensure learners and education systems are resilient, adaptive, and inclusive. These are Open Educational Resources (OER), which means that they are published under an open license, making them free for you to access, reuse, repurpose, adapt, and redistribute.


Inclusive, equitable, and high-quality education systems that offer lifelong learning, ensuring resilience and adaptability to meet current and future needs without compromising future generations.


A reflective process in which individuals and organizations enhance their effectiveness, adapt to changes, and grow, leading to measurable new competencies and understandings.

Sustainable Learning Framework 2024

The Sustainable Learning Framework provides pathways to meet the complex education challenges of today while embracing new opportunities for creating the education of tomorrow.

Sustainable Learning by Diana D. Woolis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 4.0 International License.

Download the Framework

We’ve distilled the information provided on this site into a helpful resource you can download and keep handy as a reference.